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Shakeology 101

What is Shakeology?

In a word, Shakeology is the most delicious, nutrient-dense superfood-packed protein shake on the plant.

Shakeology’s the perfect combination of proteins, phytonutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics. Plus, it also contains many rare ingredients, including adaptogens, camu-camu, and maca root—things we can’t get from an ordinary diet. So whether you use Shakeology for weight loss, or drink it to optimize your health, this powerful and delicious shake is Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition®.

What Can Shakeology Do for You?

So .....What's in Shakeology that makes it the BEST MEAL OF THE DAY?

Shakeology is packed with more than 70 of the world’s most potent, most nutritious, and most delicious ingredients. Not only does it provide a wide range of essential nutrients from the fruits and vegetables you should be eating every day, you’ll also reap the benefits of incredibly nutritious food you’d otherwise never have the opportunity to eat. Food that nutrition science has shown to be highly advantageous to your health.

Plus, we were able to sneak fruits and veggies into every glass for those of you who are self-proclaimed “anything-but-vegetabletarians”!

Everything in Shakeology has been carefully selected for its unique nutritional quality, including ingredients that herbalists and natural wellness doctors have been using for centuries to holistically heal and fuel the body.


Why I LOVE  Shakeology

Plain and simple, Shakeology tastes FREAKIN AWESOME. I mean c'mon, if something doesn't taste good,9 times out of 10 it's  a done deal, right? Who the crap cares about healthy if it takes like horse poop :) I'm just sayin. 

I have to admit, I am the biggest skeptic, especially when it comes to shakes but I was literally shocked after trying Shakeology for the first time. I was drawn to the Greenberry because I am an avid juicer but all of the flavors shocked me to say the least. Being a working mom, I love the convenience of the the individual packs.  It trully is a godsend. Shakeology supplies me with the necessary energy to get through my day and then some. 

If you don't like eating fruits and vegetables then this is a great way to get all the benefits of eating a full bowl of fruits and vegetables without having to actually eat them. If you have high cholesterol then this will help you lower your levels as well.

Want to Experience Shakeology for Yourself? 



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