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My Story!!!

Thank you for visiting my page and learning a little about me. So What's My Story........

I am just the girl next door. I'm  a mother, wife, fitness fanatic, naturalista, juicing junkie :) and all around free spirit, working to build a Life on Purpose. My health journey started what seems like decades ago. It was actually high school that I started having issues with my body image as most young girls do. Luckily I never did or tried anything stupid or crazy. Those were some challenging  times back then but I do remember always obsessing about "that" part of my body that I just HATED. I'm sure you can relate. 

I became pregnant with my first son at an early age and it wasn't until after he was born that I truly realized the massive impact that pregnancy had on my body. I was miserable, stressed out, overweight and trying to figure out motherhood. I gained over 60lbs with the pregnancy and needless to say it wasn't all him, regardless of the lie I told myself  :). I was able to lose some of the weight, but it was always a struggle to lose ALL of it. 

So............. Fast Forward 8yrs

I became pregnant with my second son. I was still holding on to at least 30lbs from my first son and again gained another WHOPPING 60lbs. I was miserable, depressed and just a Hot Mess. At my lowest point, I weighed close to 300lbs.  I wanted so desperately to escape what I had become. I knew it was going to take ALOT of hard freakin work to get where I needed to be but there was no other option so I set off on this crusade to a better ME some 10yrs. ago. My passion for health and fitness has always been a constant no matter what challenges or obstacles I have faced and trust me there have been many.

I actually first learned about Beachbody years ago thru an Infomercial like many people. At that time, I was only doing cardio type exercises and never thought once about weight training. I had that mindset that women who lift will end up looking like some freakish girl-boy or something (lol), so I never even pursued it. Then I caught a glimpse of P90X with Mr. Tony Horton and as they say -----that was all SHE wrote :) For the first time I realized how a woman can really look with a toned physique and I was about to make it HAPPEN. 

There is no bigger VICTORY than conquering your FEARS and Start living a Life on Purpose

After ordering and actually completing P90X for the first time, I knew that I had found something for life. A new found freedom and confidence in myself that no amount  of money could buy. Beachbody is more than just a fitness brand. It's a MOVEMENT. It gives ordinary people the ability to create extraordinary things one CHALLENGE at a time.

Just look around, our environment has been taken over by artificial, high-fat, high-carb, sugar overloaded CRAPY CRAP that is not only killing us but destroying our children. There has never been a greater need for CHANGINGyour OUTCOME than right now. Our children need us to be around but more importantly they need love and guidance to keep them on a healthy path of Ending the TREND.

My story is like many. I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired. That is why I decided to become a Beachbody Coach.  I thought, If I can help just one person change, realize their true potential and teach them to do the same for another, then there is NO STOPPING US.I know CHANGE is hard but so is sickness, illness, unhealthy lifestyles. You have to decide What is more important? Fear or Living the life you DESERVE. 

It simply starts with A DECISION. The real question is 


  Sometimes, a little encouragement can make the difference in Everything


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